We answer every emigrating family’s top question: where are the best places to raise children – or, for that matter, to be a child?
By Amanda Ruggeri. 8th February 2023
For people looking to relocate, rankings of the world’s most liveable countries can be helpful. But with kids in tow, there are more factors to weigh than, say, average income or economic stability. You might want to know about local children’s health or happiness, the quality of education, family leave policies – even which countries have the greenest space or playgrounds.
It’s these sorts of factors that Unicef focuses on in its “report cards” on child wellbeing. It’s important to note that their rankings look only at the world’s wealthiest countries – and not all of the data might be of equal interest to expat families. But their findings help paint an insightful picture of what it’s really like to raise kids in countries around the world. …