Charles Eisenstein – Mar 5, 2023
Another Amazonian environmental activist was murdered last week. Eduardo Mendúa, a member of the A’i Cofan people of Ecuador, was shot in the chest twelve times by hooded gunmen in front of his wife while they were working in their garden.
Rather than call him an environmental activist, I will call Eduardo Mendúa a forest protector. He was working to block the latest expansion of oil drilling in tribal land: an oil access road extension that would allow new drilling in the region’s last remaining intact rain forest. …
In deutscher Übersetzung vom Magazin Zeitpunkt
Wie immer öffnet Charles Eisenstein den Betrachtungswinkel sehr weit und erklärt gesellschaftliche und politische Hintergründe, die diese eigentlich “einfache” Sache eines grausamen Mordes in größeren Zusammenhang stellen.