03.04.2023 – Amanda Ruggeri The first handheld cellphone call was made 50 years ago, and since then these devices have become an essential multi-tool that helps us run our lives. But are they also altering the way our brains work? … Vor 50 Jahren wurde das erste Mobiltelefon benutzt, seitdem sind diese Geräte zu einem
03.04.2023 – Tom Ough The first ever call made with a mobile phone was a conversation 50 years ago between two rivals developing cellphone technology. Since then, the devices have found some unexpected uses. The year was 1973. Joel Engel, an American engineer who had worked on Nasa’s Apollo programme, was leading an effort to
31.03.2023 – Christine Ro It’s well-established that romantic relationships can improve your health and even help you to live longer. But does friendship bring the same benefits? … Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass romantische Beziehungen Ihre Gesundheit verbessern und Ihnen sogar helfen können, länger zu leben. Aber bringt Freundschaft die gleichen Vorteile? … https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230329-why-friendship-makes-us-healthier
24.03.2023 – Isabelle Gerretsen Many of us spring clean as the weather warms up. But is there such a thing as house that’s too clean? Could a little bit of dirt be good for us? … https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230323-why-spring-cleaning-wont-benefit-your-health Mal wieder typisch “Gleichberechtigung”, der Mann muss nach getaner Arbeit auch noch den Haushalt machen, und den Pelletofen
14.03.2023 – Roberta Angheleanu A surprising number of people experience symptoms of this curious condition, which is named after Lewis Carroll’s heroine, who changed size after eating and drinking. … https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230313-the-mystery-of-alice-in-wonderland-syndrome Schöne neue Welt der Krankheiten. Aber dieses süsse Bild am Anfang des Artikels, fehlt eigentlich nur noch eine kleine Katze dazu …
16th March 2023 – Isabelle Gerretsen The clocks are changing and the days are getting longer – new research suggests we might want to consider what this means for our bedtimes. The arrival of spring often heralds a welcome change after the long, hard winter months. The Sun stays up for longer, the days grow
17th March 2023 – Martha Henriques The world is reliant on international shipping, but carbon emissions from the sector are growing. Martha Henriques asks how an ancient form of transportation can inspire the next generation of sustainable ships. Spend a moment looking at the things around you – from the phone you’re holding to the
By Jocelyn Timperley – 11th March 2023 Most mammals, including our closest living relatives, have hairy coats. So why did we lose ours? If an alien race came to Earth and lined up humans in a row alongside all the other primates, one of the first differences they might observe – together with our upright
By Sophie Hardach – 8th March 2023 Germany has a long tradition of health retreats for struggling parents. Do they make a difference? … Germany is possibly the only country in the world where struggling parents are legally entitled to a “Kur”, a health retreat of about three weeks, every four years. A Kur is
By Richard Gray – 4th March 2023 Billions of years ago the average Earth day lasted less than 13 hours and it is continuing to lengthen. The reason lies in the relationship between the Moon and our oceans. T Throughout human history the Moon has been an inextricable, ghostly presence above the Earth. Its gentle
By David Robson and Alessia Franco – 1st February 2023 Tech geniuses, nation builders and famous artists have praised the benefits of a Montessori education – but does it hold up to scientific scrutiny? David Robson and Alessia Franco investigate. …In the US, the schools’ influence in the art and tech world has long been
By Giada Ferraglioni and Sergio Colombo – 21st February 2023 There’s growing interest in the benefits of a four-day workweek for productivity and employee wellbeing, but the picture is more complicated when it comes to climate change. In 2011, Simon Ursell and the three other co-founders of newly born environmental consultancy Tyler Grange based in
By James Gaines – 8th February 2023 The remnants of most old buildings end up in landfill, but some cities are starting to design them for so they can be easily disassembled and repurposed from the start. …The construction industry is the world’s largest consumer of raw materials. New buildings alone are responsible for 5%