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01.04.2023 – Alexander Wendt Nirgends finden sich so viele Falschbehauptungen wie bei dem öffentlichen Thema Nummer eins. Auch Minister leisten sich massive Irreführungen. Robert Habeck gehört zu den Politikern, die außerordentlich häufig im deutschen Fernsehen erscheinen. Harte oder sogar bohrende Nachfragen muss er dort praktisch nie befürchten. Bei seinem Ausflug zu dem dänischen Sender DR
03.03.2023 – H. Sterling Burnett IN THIS ISSUE: – New IPCC Report Suggests the Organization May Be Obsolete – Podcast of the Week: Biden’s New Alaska Drilling Policy Is ‘Economic Self-Mutilation’ – Bank of England Reduces Climate Focus – Study Questions CO2’s Atmospheric Longevity – Video of the Week: Implausible Climate Goals For a Non-Existent
03.04.2023 – Chris Morrison The political role played by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in fomenting climate and ecological panic to push through a collectivist Net Zero project is starting to attract general and widespread sceptical debate. In recent years, every IPCC climate utterance has sought to ramp up alarm and push
31.03.2023 – Martha Henriques Old coal mines could still have a role to play in heating homes – but this time, without burning fossil fuels. Martha Henriques explores the buildings heated from the warmth of long-disused mine workings. … Alte Kohleminen könnten immer noch eine Rolle bei der Beheizung von Häusern spielen – aber diesmal
Das Klima-Quickie 2 befasst sich mit dem Begriff „Klimawandel“. Am Anfang möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass ich mit diesen Klima-Quickies versuchen möchte, einige Themen in Bezug auf den sogenannten Klimawandel zu erklären, oder auch einige Thesen, die mir seltsam vorkommen, in meiner etwas eigenen Art in Frage zu stellen. Dabei will und kann ich gar
28.03.2023 – Christopher Chantrill I’ve been in Portugal for the last week, visiting Lisbon, Porto, going to listen to Fado music — made world-famous by Fado singer Amália Rodrigues — and visiting the Douro port-wine growing region. … You fly over Britain early in the morning and notice lots of offshore wind farms and you
26.03.2023 – Michael Crowley Green campaigners are not ‘following the science’ – they are promoting a Biblical fantasy. The End Times are back once more. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, published this week, prompted a typically apocalyptic response in the media and beyond. ‘It’s our last chance to limit global warming
23.03.2023 – Tobias Riegel Der Klima-Volksentscheid am kommenden Sonntag in Berlin hat das Rekord-Budget von 1,2 Millionen Euro und veranstaltet damit eine wahre Materialschlacht in der Hauptstadt. Dieses Geld stammt ganz überwiegend von einzelnen Großspendern. Die mit Abstand größte Spende kommt von „Philanthropen“ aus den USA. Die Praxis, mit privatem Vermögen und weit entfernt vom
Alle Jahre wieder gibt es einen schönen neuen Bericht des IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) über DAS Klima, und alle Jahre wieder seit mindestens 40 Jahren wird uns erklärt, dass wir nur 10 Jahre Zeit haben um das Schlimmste zu verhindern. Es ist doch immer wieder erstaunlich wieviel Zeit wir noch haben, wenn uns
Myron Ebell • Steven J. Milloy • 09/18/2019 Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today. None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true. What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and
By Linnea Lueken – February 17, 2023 A recent article in Axios claims that the current rate of global ice sheet melting and sea level rise will rapidly accelerate unless global warming is stopped before it reaches 1.5°C. Axios also claims that even if greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, sea levels will rise for centuries
Linnea Lueken – March 2, 2023 Quick bullets Geothermal energy is generated by drilling wells into high-temperature water or “hot rock” reservoirs and using the hot water or steam to turn a turbine. Geothermal energy has the smallest land surface footprint of any renewable energy source, aside from nuclear power emissions. Electricity generation by geothermal
Mrz 05, 2023 – AR Göhring Der deutsche Ethikrat unter seiner Vorsitzenden Alena Buyx spielte in der Corona-Politik eine – gelinde gesagt – äußerst umstrittene Rolle. Genau wie Karl Lauterbach machen die Ethiker jetzt in Klima. Gesundheitspolitiker – und nun Minister – Karl Lauterbach twitterte im Januar 2021 plötzlich zum Thema „Klima“, in dem er
03.03.2023 MIT Technology Review Von Hanns-J. Neubert Kohlenstoffdioxid aus den Ozeanen zu entfernen, könnte effektiver und billiger sein, als aus der Luft. Weltweit suchen Forscher mit Hochdruck nach Möglichkeiten, Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO₂) aktiv aus der Atmosphäre herauszuholen. Denn selbst, wenn die Menschheit es schaffen sollte, ihren CO₂-Ausstoß bis 2050 massiv zu reduzieren, bleiben immer noch schwer
H. Sterling Burnett – March 2, 2023 IN THIS ISSUE: Net Zero: Scientifically Unjustified and Deadly Podcast of the Week: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on climate, COVID, and government control Recent European Drought Was Not Unusual, Data Show Biodiversity Is Not Declining As Steeply As Recently Claimed Video of the Week: Climate Change Roundtable TODAY
By Justine Calma / Feb 24, 2023 Controversial solar geoengineering startup Make Sunsets says it released three balloons carrying atmosphere-altering particles in Reno, Nevada, this month. It’s an escalation of the company’s questionable climate change-fighting tactics, which got it banned from launching balloons in Mexico in January. And while the company says it got the
Posted on January 25, 2023 Author Derrick Broze The Mexican government has announced a moratorium on solar geoengineering experiments following an unauthorized small scale experiment by a U.S. startup. How will the decision impact the plans of globalists who aim to use geoengineering as a gateway to world governance? Only weeks ago, Luke Iseman, the
27 February 2023 Given the severity of climate change, scientists and scientific bodies have recommended research on potential approaches to increasing the reflection of sunlight (or release of long wave radiation) from the atmosphere, referred to as “solar radiation modification” (SRM), to slow climate warming and reduce climate impacts. In particular, this research is important
02/28/2023 by: Corbin Hiar , John Fialka A panel of independent experts urged international leaders to set rules for the stratosphere and consider oversight that differentiates between small experiments and global interventions. CLIMATEWIRE | A panel of climate experts convened by the United Nations is calling for international regulations to extend into the stratosphere. The
2023 – One Atmosphere Make no mistake: there are no quick fixes to the climate crisis. Increased and urgent action to slash greenhouse gas emissions and invest in adapting to the impacts of climate change is immutable. Yet current efforts remain insufficient. As a result, increasing voices are calling for and preparing alternative “emergency” options