2023 – One Atmosphere
Make no mistake: there are no quick fixes to the climate crisis. Increased and urgent action to slash greenhouse gas emissions and invest in adapting to the impacts of climate change is immutable. Yet current efforts remain insufficient. As a result, increasing voices are calling for and preparing alternative “emergency” options to keep global temperature rise in check.
Among actions under examination is Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), and in particular Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) – which aims to
cool the planet by reflecting sunlight back into space. SRM is a complex, controversial and under-studied group of technologies. Yet some scientists and companies are accelerating towards deployment: empirical research and experimentation are being pursued, and technologies and schemes are being discussed at the highest levels, without a full understanding of the implications. This is contrary to the precautionary principle, which must be applied in the case of a technology that would modify the atmosphere.
PDF : https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/41903/one_atmosphere.pdf