2023 February, 24 – Willis Eschenbach
The countries of the West are slowly destroying their manufacturing, mining, and fossil fuel producing industries by way of well-meaning but ultimately destructive “environmental” regulations. I put “environmental” in quotes because many of the regulations have much more to do with the green fantasies of the wokerati than to do with the environment.
At the heart of the problem is the fact that most developing countries have little to no environmental regulations. So when e.g. smog regulations cause German factories to close and relocate to say Nigeria, the smog in Germany decreases but the global smog increases.
But since it can’t be seen from Germany, the Germans get to feel all noble and pat themselves on the back about the clean German air.
And when so-called “greens” prevent the opening of new cobalt mines in the US, it means that children in the Congo are sentenced to virtual slavery to build our windmills and electric vehicles … but hey, the greens say, you can’t see the kids from my house … …