20.03.2023 – Terry Etam
Standing on the train platform the other day, after work, a chilling event happened, and I’m not just referring to the weather, although there was that. It was one of those dull but frigid days when standing still, waiting, on concrete, leaves a person daydreaming not of mansions and fast cars and alluring holidays but of crawling under a pile of blankets.
The cheerful Calgary Transit voice comes over the speaker system to tell us the temperature, and that it’s cloudy. Shut up. We know. We’re waiting outside. For YOUR train.
The next message emanating from the loudspeaker shed the cheerfulness for slightly nervous solemnity. Northbound trains were not operating because of an electrical outage. Not ‘running late’ – not running at all. …
Ein sehr guter Artikel der zu Recht hinterfragt ob es eine gute Idee ist wenn alles elektrifiziert wird, und wenn bei einem Ausfall wirklich alles stillgelegt ist, keine Heizung, kein Licht, kein Telefon, keine Züge fahren mehr.